The platform has also seen some changes since its early success. OnlyFans was even seeking a $1 billion evaluation at one point. For exclusive access to their accounts, celebrities can charge subscription fees that typically go up to $49.99. Influencers like Bhad Bhabie have used the platform to create heavy streams of income. Just as crucially, it also offers artists a source of revenue. Right now, OnlyFans provides entertainers with a smaller audience than other social media platforms and gives fans a more intimate interaction with their favorite celebrity or influencer. While OnlyFans is known for explicit content, some celebrities and social media influencers are using the platform to connect with fans and highlight exclusive material. In the ensuing months, the site saw a rise in artists and other high-profile users promoting new projects.
And in 2020, when COVID-19 shut many businesses and upended all of our lives, OnlyFans saw an influx of new users (and became a household name when Beyoncé name-dropped it on the “Savage” remix). The platform launched in 2016 and became a hub for adult performers.